In Medias Res
Fernando: Well, may be. Are you sure this is the best idea you have?
Yu Mu: I’m telling you this is the best thing we can do for him. I know it’s not easy.
Fernando: Still, I don’t. I don’t know because you know he’s not the kind of man to be fooling around or pretending to be popular.
Yu Mu: Listen, one this is for sure. We can’t be like the whole day I’m sure I’m not sure. If we don’t do it today, we’ll have to wait til Doomsday to have another chance.
Fernando: At least another year. I don’t want to fuck it up.
Yu Mu: Yeah, but, who can tell that? Can you Mr Futurologist? By the way, have you got his address?
Fernando: His what?
Yu Mu: His address. Where he lives. Where he crashes when he’s got nothing else to do. Where he goes after saying all he has to say. Don’t piss me off you little.
Fernando: I knew I had it somewhere in my pockets. Let me check again. I found it you know, I asked here I looked there until two days ago I saw him with my very own eyes locking the door of a
Yu Mu: Are you sure it was him? Did you have your glasses on? Are you sure it was a house and not the Catholic Church?
Fernando: Why don’t you
Yu Mu: There. I’m done. And when I’m done there’s no way of going back. Do you wanna sign it?
Fernando: Sign it?
Yu Mu: When you write your name with that fancy handwriting of yours.
Fernando: I want to read it first. And what’s that?
Yu Mu: I just, I thought, you know, it’s nice to get another thing as well to make it mo
Fernando: But why yellow? Can’t you be more tactful?
Yu Mu: For God’s sake, who the hell cares about the colour
Fernando: He does. I’ve never seen him in yellow. He’s always always all the time, ten out of ten a hundred percent and above in black and blue.
Yu Mu: Just for a change. The letter’s white though.
Fernando: He’ll burn them both and then he’ll burn us too. What if we just leave it in his
Yu Mu: You don’t know the man, do you? You know how much he hates that. The idea of “anonymous” drives him mad. He wants names, he wants dates, he wants quotes, he he he wants places and facts backed up by other facts and more facts with two hundred names and long words
Fernando: Terms.
Yu Mu: Term this.
Fernando: OK OK OK, we’ll do it your way. You win. I lose. What time does he leave?
Yu Mu: Around five I guess. But, listen, I, I don’t wanna wait until five to knock on his door and. Hell will break loose if we do that.
Fernando: Aha, look who’s the chicken now.
Yu Mu: Fu
Fernando: Meet you by the toilets around four and from
Yu Mu: Do you think other students have done this before?
Fernando: Just by looking at him. And by listening to him. No. we must be the first ones. And the last ones. He’s gonna have a heart attack, I’m sure as heck of that.
Yu Mu: And how should we address him? Doctor? Master? Tutor? My sire?
Fernando: Do you think this is The Lord of the Rings or something?
Yu Mu: I know, I can see the light now
Fernando: He’ll make us both see the light when he crashes our heads against that massive lamp everyone says he has.
Yu Mu: How old d
Fernando: A hundred and twelve probably. I’m sure he was already crawling when the Romans built Adrian’s Wall.
Yu Mu: Wait there man. It was the Normans.
Fernando: How you dare challenge me.
Yu Mu: Actually it wasn’t the Romans, it was the Spice Girls together with this dinosaur all plastic now.
Fernando: You mean
Yu Mu: Cher. Wanna go now and jump from the cliff?
Fernando: I don’t mind.
Yu Mu: That’s just because number one you haven’t got a mind and number two because you couldn’t care less about it. I know it was my idea.
Fernando: Whatever.
Yu Mu: So, we go, knock on his door. When he opens it, we smile, we say hello bla bla bla, talk about the weather, talk about the we don’t mind to interrupt you we know given your reputation sir you must be extremely busy sir and this will only take a couple of seconds sir it’s just a little something sir we found out it was bla bla bla, we do what we have to do and then we vanish into thin air not little by little like the Cheshire cat but we just disappear from his sight in one split second.
Fernando: Ok. Let’s go then.
Yu Mu: I feel sick.
Fernando: We look like a pair of you know trying to pick up their teacher.
Yu Mu: One. Two Three. Here we go. Knock knock knock
Fernando: Perhaps he’s not in.
Hewitt: Yes?
Yu Mu: Um, eh, a…card.
Fernando: Good
Yu Mu: This is for you, sir. Happy Birthday.
lunes, 19 de enero de 2009
domingo, 18 de enero de 2009
¿Les suena conocido? Adivinen
(suena teléfono)
(Sergio sentado, leyendo el diario al lado del teléfono): Matilde, teléfono.
Elvira: ¿No sabés que duerme? Atendé vos.
Sergio: Es el único día de descanso que tengo.
Elvira: Me gustaría saber cuál es el mío.
(atiende el teléfono) Hola. Sí. No. Aquí no hay ninguna Pirula.
Y hacé el favor de atender cuando suene.
Sergio: No pienso moverme de este sillón.
Elvira: Che, che, che, che. Que yo no descanso nunca y no hago tanto escombro, eh. A mí también me hubiera gustado quedarme en la cama hasta las once. Pero vos tuviste la prodigiosa idea de invitar a almorzar a tu hermano Antonio y a Nora.
Sergio: Les hubieras dicho que no vinieran y basta.
Elvira: ahhh, y privarte de los mimos que te hace Nora.
Sergio: Qué mimos.
Matilde: ¡Mamá! ¡Cerrá la canilla que me estoy bañando!
Elvira: La canilla está cerrada.
Matilde: ¿Y ahora qué hago? Estoy toda enjabonada. ¡mamà!
Elvira: Otra vez cortaron el agua.
Sergio: Después querés que me bañe.
Matilde: Mamá, qué hago.
Elvira: Por empezar, dejá de hinchar.
Matilde: (en el teléfono): Ay, no doña Elisa, no era por usted. Oigame, soy Elvira, ¿qué pasa con el agua? Hice ravioles, ¡quiere tragedia mayor! Ah, usted también, qué casualidad. Bueno, mire, ¿me hace un favor?, no la tire, quiero decir, usted hierve sus ravioles, y cuando estén listos me llama por teléfono y yo le mando a buscar el agua. Ay gracias. Es usted un amor. Yo hago puchero, ella hace puchero; yo hago ravioles, ella hace ravioles. ¡Qué país!
(Sergio sentado, leyendo el diario al lado del teléfono): Matilde, teléfono.
Elvira: ¿No sabés que duerme? Atendé vos.
Sergio: Es el único día de descanso que tengo.
Elvira: Me gustaría saber cuál es el mío.
(atiende el teléfono) Hola. Sí. No. Aquí no hay ninguna Pirula.
Y hacé el favor de atender cuando suene.
Sergio: No pienso moverme de este sillón.
Elvira: Che, che, che, che. Que yo no descanso nunca y no hago tanto escombro, eh. A mí también me hubiera gustado quedarme en la cama hasta las once. Pero vos tuviste la prodigiosa idea de invitar a almorzar a tu hermano Antonio y a Nora.
Sergio: Les hubieras dicho que no vinieran y basta.
Elvira: ahhh, y privarte de los mimos que te hace Nora.
Sergio: Qué mimos.
Matilde: ¡Mamá! ¡Cerrá la canilla que me estoy bañando!
Elvira: La canilla está cerrada.
Matilde: ¿Y ahora qué hago? Estoy toda enjabonada. ¡mamà!
Elvira: Otra vez cortaron el agua.
Sergio: Después querés que me bañe.
Matilde: Mamá, qué hago.
Elvira: Por empezar, dejá de hinchar.
Matilde: (en el teléfono): Ay, no doña Elisa, no era por usted. Oigame, soy Elvira, ¿qué pasa con el agua? Hice ravioles, ¡quiere tragedia mayor! Ah, usted también, qué casualidad. Bueno, mire, ¿me hace un favor?, no la tire, quiero decir, usted hierve sus ravioles, y cuando estén listos me llama por teléfono y yo le mando a buscar el agua. Ay gracias. Es usted un amor. Yo hago puchero, ella hace puchero; yo hago ravioles, ella hace ravioles. ¡Qué país!
Dear Pat
Dear Pat,
Here I am in 7th Heaven!! Not because I’m dead, but because I feel at my best.
I must say that all this experience is fascinating, something I could have never imagined in far away Patagonia. I celebrate every single day here. It’ like the sun always rises to me, there’s always a new day coming full of chances that I feel I cannot turn my back and walk away. Even if now I’m done with my assignments I keep going to the library, read, summarise books. It’s such an invaluable resource that I feel it’d be murder not to make the most of it. Every time after lectures, my mind flies away to my schools back in Esquel. There are so many things we can do!!! So many changes!! So many ways of adapting what I’m learning and sharing here to our context dear friend.
The atmosphere on campus is fascinating. Never in my life have I been with so many people from all over the world. I keep telling my flatmates that our flat is a small version of the UN, there are people from China, Japan, Germany, and Denmark. My flatmates are just fabulous. We really share this sense of community every time we celebrate birthdays and get together for the sake of having a good time. They tell me about their lectures, and “hopes and fears”. They have to hear, in turn, my stories about lectures, seminars, my experience in a project called “Right to Read” in a primary school in Coventry, the book club at the Centre of Applied Linguistics, my regular letters to the Students’ Union. They will think I’ve got nothing to do. The key is to use time wisely.
You know I’m not the sport type of person…let me read and talk over a cup of coffee and I’ll be grateful that I’m living and learning. Every week I get together with some other guys from Latvia and Canada and we talk about how our lives are being changed for the better here. I particularly feel that I’ve become more critical, my levels of insanity remain normal, which is a good sign. I also feel that the whole experience is empowering me to take chances, to embark myself on different projects that I think can help us all become better people. Among my changes, I’ve started to write in English this time. It all started when a PhD student asked me to be part of her research…I ended up being her creative writing hamster. Since then I’ve started to write some stories in English, stories I share with her and one my lecturers. As you well know, I apologised for my intrusiveness into her academic life, but once she said it was ok, I send her my moments in black and white. Much of her lectures are somehow reflected in my writing, I take some concepts and give them a little twist here, another meaning there and I come up with a myriad of lives knitted together. Because, after all, my experience here is in a way a collection of experiences, the ones the people I spend my time with either studying, talking or living, bring to me through conversation. I listen, step back and stare at the whole picture, contemplate it for numberless seconds and say to myself that when I get back to Argentina I’ll be taking them with me in my mind, in my actions, in my words.
I feel I’m changing all the time, all of us do, inevitably, but the key is to discover what lies underneath that process, that flow of energy, of dreams realised in an MA (you know how much I wanted to carry on with my studies, let alone in the UK, wow!!!!). However, I know that this is going beyond my expectations not only in academic terms but in life terms, so to speak. What really matters after all is that I’m walking and on the path you find living stories that you can’t give your cold shoulder. I feel I have to approach them and start a conversation because all of them will contribute to my development not as a teacher, but as a person, which is our first degree in life and we have to honour it.
That’s all from here. I’ll let you know more in my next letter.
Take care.
Here I am in 7th Heaven!! Not because I’m dead, but because I feel at my best.
I must say that all this experience is fascinating, something I could have never imagined in far away Patagonia. I celebrate every single day here. It’ like the sun always rises to me, there’s always a new day coming full of chances that I feel I cannot turn my back and walk away. Even if now I’m done with my assignments I keep going to the library, read, summarise books. It’s such an invaluable resource that I feel it’d be murder not to make the most of it. Every time after lectures, my mind flies away to my schools back in Esquel. There are so many things we can do!!! So many changes!! So many ways of adapting what I’m learning and sharing here to our context dear friend.
The atmosphere on campus is fascinating. Never in my life have I been with so many people from all over the world. I keep telling my flatmates that our flat is a small version of the UN, there are people from China, Japan, Germany, and Denmark. My flatmates are just fabulous. We really share this sense of community every time we celebrate birthdays and get together for the sake of having a good time. They tell me about their lectures, and “hopes and fears”. They have to hear, in turn, my stories about lectures, seminars, my experience in a project called “Right to Read” in a primary school in Coventry, the book club at the Centre of Applied Linguistics, my regular letters to the Students’ Union. They will think I’ve got nothing to do. The key is to use time wisely.
You know I’m not the sport type of person…let me read and talk over a cup of coffee and I’ll be grateful that I’m living and learning. Every week I get together with some other guys from Latvia and Canada and we talk about how our lives are being changed for the better here. I particularly feel that I’ve become more critical, my levels of insanity remain normal, which is a good sign. I also feel that the whole experience is empowering me to take chances, to embark myself on different projects that I think can help us all become better people. Among my changes, I’ve started to write in English this time. It all started when a PhD student asked me to be part of her research…I ended up being her creative writing hamster. Since then I’ve started to write some stories in English, stories I share with her and one my lecturers. As you well know, I apologised for my intrusiveness into her academic life, but once she said it was ok, I send her my moments in black and white. Much of her lectures are somehow reflected in my writing, I take some concepts and give them a little twist here, another meaning there and I come up with a myriad of lives knitted together. Because, after all, my experience here is in a way a collection of experiences, the ones the people I spend my time with either studying, talking or living, bring to me through conversation. I listen, step back and stare at the whole picture, contemplate it for numberless seconds and say to myself that when I get back to Argentina I’ll be taking them with me in my mind, in my actions, in my words.
I feel I’m changing all the time, all of us do, inevitably, but the key is to discover what lies underneath that process, that flow of energy, of dreams realised in an MA (you know how much I wanted to carry on with my studies, let alone in the UK, wow!!!!). However, I know that this is going beyond my expectations not only in academic terms but in life terms, so to speak. What really matters after all is that I’m walking and on the path you find living stories that you can’t give your cold shoulder. I feel I have to approach them and start a conversation because all of them will contribute to my development not as a teacher, but as a person, which is our first degree in life and we have to honour it.
That’s all from here. I’ll let you know more in my next letter.
Take care.
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009
Ayer se entregaron los premios DARREN MUÑECO DE NIEVE 2008 en la sede del Banco del Chubut en Londres. He aquí algunas de las ternas y los elegidos a través del voto por paloma mensajera.
Neuquén y su Pat, Dublin, Copenague. GANADOR: Neuquén y su Pat
Silvina Luna, Mercedes Sosa, Racu Quintana. GANADORA: Racu Quintana.
Chiche Duhalde y sus cartas manzaneras, Clara Freeman y sus misivas literarias, Hebe de Bonafini y sus líneas explosivas (con el apoyo oficial). GANADORA: Clara Freeman.
Microsoft, Darichu Producciones, Tierra. GANADORA: Darichu Producciones.
Me rajé por un año, Me manifesté en Puerta-E, Ahora van a var cuando vuelva. GANADOR: Empate técnico entre los tres ternados.
Cristina Fernández, Amy Winehouse, Patricia Acosta. GANADORA: Patricia Acosta
Beca Hornby, Beca Hornby, Beca Hornby. GANADOR: El proyecto que nunca salió y sus puentes.
Los 6 loquitos con James Blunt, Los inadaptados sociales de siempre, Los futuros docentes. GANADOR: lOS 6 loquitos con James Blunt.
Los ñoquis de la Nu, Las empanadas de La Tour y sus caras de ojete, La cena despedida con posterior pelea a la mesa. GANADORA: Los ñoquis de Nu.
Estas son hasta el momento las categorías más esperadas. Recordemos que este premio tiene un total de 719 ternas y luego se dará a conocer quién ha sido galardonado con el DARREN MUÑECO DE NIEVE DE ORO DE LA MINERA.
Neuquén y su Pat, Dublin, Copenague. GANADOR: Neuquén y su Pat
Silvina Luna, Mercedes Sosa, Racu Quintana. GANADORA: Racu Quintana.
Chiche Duhalde y sus cartas manzaneras, Clara Freeman y sus misivas literarias, Hebe de Bonafini y sus líneas explosivas (con el apoyo oficial). GANADORA: Clara Freeman.
Microsoft, Darichu Producciones, Tierra. GANADORA: Darichu Producciones.
Me rajé por un año, Me manifesté en Puerta-E, Ahora van a var cuando vuelva. GANADOR: Empate técnico entre los tres ternados.
Cristina Fernández, Amy Winehouse, Patricia Acosta. GANADORA: Patricia Acosta
Beca Hornby, Beca Hornby, Beca Hornby. GANADOR: El proyecto que nunca salió y sus puentes.
Los 6 loquitos con James Blunt, Los inadaptados sociales de siempre, Los futuros docentes. GANADOR: lOS 6 loquitos con James Blunt.
Los ñoquis de la Nu, Las empanadas de La Tour y sus caras de ojete, La cena despedida con posterior pelea a la mesa. GANADORA: Los ñoquis de Nu.
Estas son hasta el momento las categorías más esperadas. Recordemos que este premio tiene un total de 719 ternas y luego se dará a conocer quién ha sido galardonado con el DARREN MUÑECO DE NIEVE DE ORO DE LA MINERA.
jueves, 8 de enero de 2009
Creo que tiene mucho para ofrecer sobre todo si pensamos tanto en el contenido como en el código. Seguramente lo usaré para hacer alguna que otra actividad.
lunes, 5 de enero de 2009
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