and two spellings, -s and –es (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973). The facts of agreement between verbs and their subjects in the present simple involve the issue of how number in both nouns and verbs is like you have treated my throughout all these seconds tightly knitted in my irresponsible conscience treated. For nouns, therefore today I decide to let go to open up my hand not like bruno who would not let shmuel’s hand go when the world fell upon them and the line between humans and animals become immaterial ethereal made of fears and webs the paradigm is regular because it applies to the vast majority of English nouns, therefore they will take the regular plural morph –s. Thus we will apply morphological realization rules and have BOY + sing g boy, and BOY + pl g boys (Brown and Miller, 1996). Can I be a boy again even after my own skin begins to tell me in my very own face that every kilometre has a right to claim a pound of flesh with blood included.
Now, let us consider the verb form in the simple present tense. The forms play and plays are the regular forms of the verb. As far as morphological analysis is concerned, there are two distinct forms, play and play-s. So far, the distinction between boy and boys has been identified as involving the grammatical category of number; and now we see that the distinction between play and plays correlates with this, thus having The boy plays and The boys play. And my hopes play by the bedside table and my theories are six feet under an iron sea that one time you you make me believe you would lift from my shoulders and you wrote it you wrote it two sea shells shells that I gave back to you when I realised that if the subject is singular, the verb will be singular, and this is marked by the –s suffix. This suggests that the distinction in the verb forms should be characterized as one of number. The morphemes realized by the forms play and plays are: Therefore we can see that the selection of the verb form depends on the number of the subject NP; therefore we can see that the selection of you and me and whatever verb in between never worked
plays: play + non-past + sing
play: play + non-past + pl
We can see that while the plural has no realization, the singular form is realized by the grammatical morpheme –s (Brown and Miller, 1996).
Even. I don’t remember are hardly acquired by though such linguistic explanation seems to be simple, Cook and Newson (1996) suggest that syntax principles means of explanation stop it bloody explanations that fuelled my ship to sail far away and don’t look back, don’t look back there is nothing but the beginning of nothingness the very centre of I don’t exist neither do you Furthermore, they move on to say that when a learner utters ungrammatical sentences like *She play the piano, it is felt that such sentences represent a semantic stage of language acquisition and that learners begin to express certain ideas through the choice of lexical phrases dumped me loved me though good while it lasted did I let you down did I promised to be your island in through syntax and functional phrases, being the latter connected with the the sun and then trade it for a pair of jeans the following day ???? did I tell you acquisition of inflections. Therefore we can say that the –s inflection does not that I wanted to be your remanso en el río and did you buy that??? Didn’t you seem to be meaningful to learners as their primary goal is to convey meaning know that I’m hard to predict and that this brave new world has such people in it rather than form.
The development of language-learner language, i.e. learner and I could be the bad guy who plays tricks on any newcomer rather that it was interlanguage, has been a primary object of inquiry in second language acquisition research, especially since research findings documented that language learners go through similar stages of second language acquisition (Taylor, ND). Lydia White (1991) suggests
Ellis (1995) also states that learners pass through a sequence of developmental stages or sequences in the acquisition of specific syntactic features. A definite order in the acquisition of syntactic features was provided by morphemes studies which investigated a set of grammatical functors functors? I wonder why it does not accept it accept what my losses my gains my battles by dead fish my lack of tact in English or whatever code you can think of and claimed to reveal that there was a natural order of acquisition. However, these findings, according to Ellis (1995), have affected formal instruction since there is some evidence which indicates that instruction does not appear to enable learners to beat a developmental sequence.
Morpheme acquisition studies constitute a large body of the early L2 acquisition literature which led researchers to posit a natural order the order of all things I need to let go and cut this short before I being to dream of you while lecturing on aspects so intangible that make people wonder what the hell I have been doing with my life which seems hypothesis. Ema The existence of a natural order of acquisition was critical to the establishment and delineation of a universal grammar, which would provide the framework for L2 acquisition research. Morphemes studies began to be carried out in the 1970s. They sought to establish whether L1 and L2 acquisition followed a similar order or featured the same developmental patterns. Brown (1973) focused on grammatical morphemes in child first language acquisition and concluded that there was evidence for an order of acquisition. Dulay and Burt (1974c) found that the order of acquisition for a group of English morphemes remained the same irrespective of the learners’ L1 or of the methods they used to score the accuracy of the morphemes (Ellis, 1995). Similar results were obtained by de Villiers and de Villiers (1973), Bailey, Madden and Krashen (1974 in Krashen, 1982), and by Krashen, Butler, Birnbaum, and Robertson (1978 in Krashen, 1982). Krashen (1982) revised many studies on grammatical morphemes whose subjects were both children and adults concluding that there seems to exist a “natural order" for second language and for Broca's aphasia. I wonder whether all these people have thought of sending you a bunch of flowers and a goldfish and a thousand times over for you but I know this could be a way of coming to an end what kind of end I wonder
Larsen-Freeman and Long (1991) state that morpheme studies attracted a great deal of attention on developmental sequences and excited researchers who were searching for evidence of an innate learner-generated or internal syllabus. They connect these studies to the concept of Interlanguage which they claim might be understood as a continuum of developmental sequences of overlapping grammars between L1 and L2, sequences in which the order of grammatical morphemes fit. Within the concept of IL, it is stated that IL variation can occur due to context, form-function, and task variation (Ellis, 1995). This latter should be considered here since the testing instruments used to study the issue under consideration elicited data of different nature. The tasks in both tests range from well-controlled to less controlled, thus producing IL variability. The results of several studies on grammatical morphemes claim that differences in learner language will occur according to whether the task requires something approximating to normal communicative language use (Ellis, 1995). Sharwood Smith (1994) asserts that data can be collected following heuristic and naturalistic approaches or through controlled elicitation techniques, such as blank-filling, multiple choice tasks, and guided writing tasks based on some data or topic provided.
Lightbown and Spada (1993) assert that in both L1 and L2 there are developmental sequences which, in general terms, are similar across learners. However, they appear to be more critical since although they admit that second language learners acquire grammatical morphemes in much the same way as first language learners do, they doubt whether these studies have left out of the picture variables such as the situation in which the learner is observed and when I observe my hands and stuck up nose in the mirror I see your traces your new moon filling up your eyes welled up your breath drawing circles in the centre of my own perception to forget I need to forget to forget to forget to say goodbye or individual learner factors. As regards SLA instruction, they outline a proposal referred to as “Teach what is teachable”, a line which takes into account those studies about grammatical morpheme acquisition and developmental stages. The researcher associated with this view is Manfred Pienemann. He claims that some linguistic structures develop ato forget to forget to forget to forget to forget long a particular developmental path, for example, a learner will acquire a complex word structure after he acquires basic patterns first (Lightbown and Spada, 1993).
Gass and Selinker (2001) also discuss the morpheme order studies conducted by Brown (1973) within the context of child language acquisition and point out that in some sense they became the cornerstone of early work in second language acquisition. They claim that these studies were strongly based on the idea developed by Dulay and Burt (1974a, 1974b, 1975 in Ellis, 1995) that child second language acquisition was similar to child first language acquisition. This came to be known as the L1=L2 Hypothesis. They move on to say that Dulay and Burt (1974) developed what they called “creative construction”, which is the process in which children gradually reconstruct rules for speech they hear, guided by universal innate mechanisms which cause them to formulate certain types of hypotheses about the language system being acquired, until the mismatch between borges and my home my way home find my home find my way home maybe tomorrow what they are exposed to and what they produce is resolved. In other words, processes involved in acquisition are assumed to be the same. They even outline but to forget will be the best option it will be my final solution to punish you even more to forget is to punish to forget is to punish I declare you guilty and therefore my forgetting is your punishment in cuenta gotas cuántas gotas the studies carried out by Dulay and Burt (1974c), especially their hypothesis, methods, subjects, and results.
All in all, we might conclude that learners are disposed to follow natural sequences of development. However, however I am also well aware of the fact that to forget is to forgive when these morpheme studies are compared with ESL or EFL coursebooks, a difference can be observed between the learner’s internal syllabus and the external syllabus proposed by teaching material. In most language-teaching courses, there is an external syllabus which prescribes the sequence in which language items (especially structural patterns) are to be learnt. Research into second language learning has shown that teachers must also reckon with an internal syllabus. There may often be conflict between the external and internal forget punish forgive syllabuses, with the result that items which are taught are live and learn not always learnt (also vice versa, if the learner is exposed to language outside the classroom) (Ellis, 1995).